In the frame of our series Actualidades LIVE Mabe Fratti, Pablo Valero and Tonuari play for the first time together in this improvisational ensemble with the purpose of putting their different musical languages in dialogue, resulting in an uncertain, intense sound in most of the concert, which however seems to end in a smooth reconciliation.
‘Actualities’ films are a pre-documentary genre that used footage of events, places, and things without a comprehensive plot and became as popular as fiction films. Based on a work by Emanuel Rosetti who portrayed New York City in a dormant state, the first of this series, in times of Covid, this is a register of the current sound of independent music in Mexico City.
El sábado 18 de septiembre presentaremos el épico ensamble que grabamos el viernes 27 de agosto en nuestra azotea en presencial estará en Museo Anahuacalli sonando desde el inframundo.
musicalizando videos de Lyn May, Maurice Béjart, Charles Atlas, Trisha Brown, Klara Liden
Estreno de “Nosotrxs”, 2021. Un video de Red Social musicalizado por Alda Arita, Carlos Bergen y Turning Torso.
Grabado el 27 de agosto del 2021 en la azotea RS en la Ciudad de México.
Este sábado 31 de julio haremos una transmisión única de ROBARTE EL ARTE (1972, Gelsen Gas, Arnaldo Cohen, Juan José Gurrola) con la banda sonora grabada en Actualidades LIVE con Alina Maldonado, Andrea Cravioto y Roberto Tercero. NO TE LA PIERDAS por que esta chida y no la volverás a ver, a menos que vayas al MOMA en Nueva Yorkz. Saludos!!